Mann Family Hardware and Family Photos


Mann Family Hardware and Family Photos


L-R: Bill and Orville, Ellie, and James Mann.
From Antique Week, 1936 photo of the Orville Mann Feed & Hardware and Burnsides store, Freetown, IN
Aerial view of the Mann farm.
Orville R. Mann and sons?
The Whites: Bob, Marsh, May, and Etta in front of house.
1914 Children in wagon: ?, Esther, ?, Eleanor in back; in front: Frank, Earl Myers, Orville, and Leroy.
Orville R. Mann leaning on grain shovels.
Baby in grass in front of house.
May of 1958 family scene - meal.
Orville R. Mann with team and 1941 cultivator.
May White (Mann)'s birthplace.
Orville Mann Dairy Farm business card.
Orville Mann's old barn.
May Mann in outfit with fur collar.
O.R. Mann at left, Fred Brock principal of Freetown School at right. In middle are Frank Wayts, Carvin Rudolph, and Ralph McKain. One unidentified.
Children in front of woodpile.
People with horse.
Children, houses in background.
Croquet game.
Orville R. Mann at his Feed Store.
Nevada Mann - portrait.
Nevada Mann with flowers, Orville R. Mann's mother.
Orville R. Mann on horse.
Five generations of the White family.
Orville R. Mann with dog.



“Mann Family Hardware and Family Photos,” Jackson County Public Library, accessed February 10, 2025,